Trees My Place of Solitude

Trees My Place of Solitude

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I love trees. Look around you and youll see things that originally came from trees. Chairs, tables, windows, posts, name it, and there is a big chance that all of the stuff around you used to be alive, growing and bigger than us.

Tree trimming, tree cutting and tub grinding are some processes done to make trees grow into these beautiful wooden plants that become a part of our homes, offices and surroundings. Even the contents of your table came from trees, like the papers that you are writing on and the pencils that you use for writing.

In essence, trees are one of the three living things that God created to help make the world a better place. Trees were made primarily to protect us, but some also give us food. Fruit trees like mango trees, apple trees and orange trees are just some examples of trees that bear fruits.

There is a proper way of removing a tree. You dont just cut it unceremoniously off its trunk that is why there are a lot of tree removal service companies available. In Washington, tree service that removes these larger than life plants are most times in demand.

Removing a tree from where it was once planted is like killing it. But of course, it would be for the greater good of mankind, for they become stuff that we all can use. Personally though, it makes me sad seeing a beautiful tree cut down.

I am naturally a nature lover and a beautiful scene just takes my breath away. Whenever I feel down and I need a place to go to for that much needed solitude, I go to my very own nature spot, the next best thing to my room.

My nature spot is this private park within a mall next to a chapel I have always loved to visit. People ask me why I waste time going there when there are closer places to where I live. The thing they do not understand is, this is where I feel at peace, and when one needs solitary confinement, it has to be in a place that they have chosen.

Nature is one of Gods ways of showing us and proving to us how much he loves us. Not everyone understands the beauty that nature offers, to the point that some even take for granted what it offers. At some point, nature will get back at you and you would not know what hit you. Disasters such as floods, fires, sleet, tsunamis and more are examples of natural catastrophes that could happen when nature is abused.

Keep in mind that for every action there is a reaction. This principle also applies to Mother Nature. If you are violent towards natures gifts to man, it will, in return be violent to you tenfold. But if you are considerate of your surroundings and if you treat them with care, they will take care of you in return by giving you food, shelter and that private place of solitude that you can go to whenever the mood strikes.


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