10 Things and What it Means to Be More Marketable

10 Things and What it Means to Be More Marketable

Image source: https://dreambigdreamoften.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/10-things-not-to-say-to-a-pregnant-woman.png?w=1200

10 Things and What it Means to Be More Marketable

Why should you consider the idea of being more marketable? Maybe the first question you have is, what does it even mean Greg, be more marketable? Im so glad you asked. And I have honestly had this question recently, and it got me thinking.
My intention when I started this business was to help people with their message, their copy, and their talks, so that they can then market themselves with confidence. Being more marketable means you reach more of your ideal people and make a bigger difference. It also means more confidence. Confidence gives you more courage to take the leap, the risks. Below are 10 things Ive identified to help you be more marketable and by extension, become more of the person or business owner you dream of being.

1. Be clear about whom, what and how

Whom is it that you most want to work with or serve? Even the gazillion individuals who buy a product, have defining characteristics that inform the personality or vibe of the group. The marketing teams job is to nail those characteristics. Gazillion or not, they have a clear bio of their buyers. Its way easier for us, with smaller markets and ideal clients.One of the reasons you hesitate to drill down is FOMO. Fear of missing out on a client. You wont, but you might miss out on working with someone you dont like or dont get. The other reason is not so nice of me to say, but here goes. Laziness.

Market research takes time. Finding out what the market wants vs I think Ill run a program, what should I charge? $497 sounds good. And no one shows up why? Because you didnt ask the market your people what they want, and if you dont know them well, your sales copy wont be speaking their language. If you arent clear, find a way to get there.

2. Be powerful in your message, your marketing, your pitch and your web-o-gram.

Say what you mean and why you are the expert, and not what everyone else says.

3. Be out there.

Yes, success in business and life is an inside job, but you must get outside to where the people are. Show up in person. Show up powerfully.

4. Be You the real you, the juicy one, the one who solves problems for your friends and family easily.

The one you see in your daydreams who is rocking it from stage or in a mastermind or selling like the experts.

5. Be the WOW your people crave.

Romance your tribe, your clients, yourself too.

6. Be generous with your best stuff; the valuable goods, not just fluff or filler.

When you can connect with people on a free level they are likely to want more.

7. Be anything but boring.

Dont be a talking head; read all of your written material aloud before you publish it and listen for the boring words and phrases. And remember, shorter is better.

8. Be consistent in your daily activities, but only the ones that bring you the return on your time investments that you want.

9. Be-lieve in what you do.

But really, truly, deeply. Or make it so you can. Change is always possible. If you dont, all of your marketing will fall flat and carry that subtle message.

10. Be courageous.

Be courageous where it counts; in love and in your full expression whether thats art, business, parenting, sales, or self. Doing work in all of these areas will result in you being more of many things, not just marketable. Once you ditch copycat marketing where one idea fits thousands and I know its easy to fall into thinking that will work then you can be seen and heard. Once you take time to write a unique, powerful, and clear message, youll feel confident, maybe even courageous. People follow people like that. And youll have the luxury to market less and become known for more.

Heres to being more marketable!


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