He Says He Wants Space - That's A Man's Code For What

He Says He Wants Space - That's A Man's Code For What

Image source: https://ancient-code.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Flat-earth.jpg

He Says He Wants Space - That's A Man's Code For What

What does it mean when your man tells you he wants space? When you're in a relationship with a man and he suddenly says, "I need space", it can leave you frustrated and confused.

What is he really trying to say? What did you do wrong to make him want to distance himself from you? After all, relationships are supposed to be about love and commitment, aren't they?

When a man says he wants space, then something is making him feel pressured and/or backed into a corner in the relationship. Sometimes it can actually be stress from other aspects of his life that get taken out on you. If you want to understand what he means, then it's important to understand exactly what men want.

First and foremost, men need to feel understood and accepted for who they are. They need to feel admired by their woman. They also strive to be successful in everything they do, and they don't want to give up their privacy, alone time, or time with their buddies to be with a woman.

In many cases, "I need space" equates to "You're making me feel smothered."

If a man starts to feel like you are trying to change him or that you disapprove of him in anyway, then he becomes defensive and guarded. He puts up an emotional wall and stops feeling connected to you.

If a man is working late or chasing other goals and dreams and you're constantly nagging him about not being home enough, not spending enough time with you, not being romantic enough, etc., then he feels like you're trying to take the things he loves away from him.

When this happens, he feels like he can't win. He loves you too, but you should never make a man feel like he has to give up the rest of his life to be with you. Knowing how to make a guy want you involves understanding that for a man to be truly happy, you can't be the only important thing in his life. If he feels you're trying to control what he does and when he does it, then he'll pull away from you.

When he says he needs space, what he's really saying is, "I need some time to myself. I feel like I can't ever get away from you to do my own thing." When this is the case, it's important not to keep pushing him.

Once the honeymoon phase and newness of a relationship wears off, men can often start to feel smothered if you don't let them do things without you. If he tells you he needs space, then leave him alone, do your own thing, and let him figure things out. He'll soon realize how much he misses you when you're not around.


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