9 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

9 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxTG3D0L5b8FZfalkftauG4qiGxOyW5JPQXHVHmg-jIPT8eop-iKGv_v0r2RhgzOydQvW_P8JDIfD0IiTAGzyQ6oRyeUy9s2A28dzaof3mhaysbEtFbsovH6JJ5RRyjPfGwdmBkXbo77Vl/s1600/raisethe+vibration+I+air+cover+image+300dpi.jpg

9 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Have you ever walked into a room and felt a really good vibe? How about the oppositehave you ever walked in and felt dense and negative energy? Whats up with that?

EVERYTHING IS ENERGY - We live in a world of energy made up of different frequencies. Our vibrations match our results. High Vibration Emotions include: JOY-HAPPINESS -LOVE -COMPASSION -ABUNDANCE -COURAGE -CONTENTMENT -FORGIVENESS -PEACE, GRATITUDE-FAITH.


The energy that we vibrate is a combination of our thoughts, our feelings, our words and our Actions. The good news is we can alter, lift, and RAISE OUR VIBRATION! Yeap, you canactually everyone can!!

Here are 9 Ways To Raise Your Vibration Instantly

1.) Appreciation List -Make a list of 12 things that you are grateful forinclude both big and small things. Experience the feeling as you write down each one

2.) Movement- We can change our emotions immediately by changing the physiology of our body.jump up and downtwistdo a downward dogDANCEDANCEDANCE Its important to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ). A few minutes of dancing everyday will lift your spirits and keep them riding high throughout the day.

3.) Smiling and Laugher-Start with a GIGANTIC smile and hold that smile It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. Crack yourself up.tell jokes, watch funny movieshave a laughing contest.123GO!

4.) Ambience- De-clutter and organize (throw out things that no longer serve you) your home and office. Love your spacecelebrate itkeep it sacredHome SWEET home!

5.) Turn up the Music- Music is one of the easiest, most effective tools for raising your frequency. You can use music as a way to release blocks and get rid of emotional stuff that bogs you down. Upbeat, rhythmic music will lift you upupup.

6.) Aromatherapy- Sniff, Smell and take a deep inhale-The aromatic essences of plants can be used as a way to realign with nature, thus balancing, healing and energizing you. Smelling a plant fragrance raises your energy frequency. (Essential oils will do the trick too).

7.) Breathe- Deep inhaleExhale. Purifies Cleanses Releases Toxins Oxygenize the cells Releases Stresses Calms the Mind Provides Energy Feels good!!

8.) Affirmations-I am strong, powerful and FEARLESS. I am abundantly blessed with health, wholeness and wellness. I am open, able and willing to receive. I am balanced and am in harmony with my higher self.

9.) Meditation- Quiet TimeTurning off the TV & cell phoneliving in the moment focusing on the breathe surrendering and letting go.

Use this list to make adjustments, enhancements and shifts when your energy starts to get stale. Set your intention on raising your vibration, holding a high frequency and aligning with your higher self. Making a decision to incorporate these tools into your daily life will yield high vibration emotions which in turn will bring miracles, magnificence and joy into your life.

To Your Success,

Wendi Blum

P.S.-My NEW E-book has arrived "Strategies For Success" I invite you to grab a copy by "liking" my facebook page here:



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